Thursday, October 15, 2009

Character Discussion: Kazuya

Yep, you got that right. Its Kazuya this time. Kazuya is my most favourited character and probably the main reason why I am still playing Tekken now.

I believe Kazuya is a easy to pick up but hard to master character. and I will tell you why. A beginner Kazuya needs only needs these few moves: df1 series, df2, ewgf, hellsweep, ff3, 1243, 112, db4 and tp. Pretty simple huh. Those few moves kind of covers 50% of moves you will most probably use in the game.

A good Kazuya players utilizes his other few moves such as df3>2, f4, iwr3, 1+2, b12, 22. However, that is not the reason as to why they are good. Kazuya's main purpose in his T6br life is most probably to punish every thing the opponent recklessly throws out. From 112/122/124 for -10, b12 that causes wallsplat and huge damage for -11, 22/24/1+2 into dewgf, dewgf, dewgf for -12 and a launcher ewgf for -13 Kazuya was born to do punish. Other characters may not even have a proper 10 frame punish nor a launcher until its at least -15.
A good kazuya will have to read up on frames and maximize all damage and not missing a ewgf chance if possible.

Being a Mishima, the usage of the wavedash is somewhat a must if you want to enter a high tier play where alot of options can be used just from that single wavedash(However, do note that even high tier playing people hardly use it as well). A beginner Kazuya would want to learn wavedash so that he will look cool and be able to do a ff3/hellsweep 50/50 mixup. A good kazuya realizes just how much potential can come out of that wavedash. For example, a wavedash can be combined with a backdash to bait the opponent's attack or even a snakedash to fuck with the opponent's minds. A wavedash can go transition into ws moves, it can be canceled into standing moves, it can be recovered into FC, you can even buffer the FC options such as gates of hell grab and FC df3+4! And those that I've mentioned are just a few, imagine the possibilities with Kazuya. Just imagine.

Kazuya has very little mids, so usually the more experienced players will duck if the Kazuya player doesn't realize this. A good kazuya player has to implement mids into his game so as to no lose out. Mids such as hit confirm able df4>4(-15 on block), hit confirm able df3>2 (-10 on block), f4 (with a whooping +4 on block), (ff3 which +0 on block), fff3(+6 I believe on block) ws3(360 degree tracking with -9 on block) and df2 (-12 on block. Safe on max and closest range) are a must use.

Kazuya has very very few lows which make his game less scary with db3 (-14 on block), db4(+3 on hit, -11 on block, safe in max range) and the death on block hellsweep which causes wall splats in some weird angles.

Kazuya is a Mishima that is very dependent on his ewgf and its his ewgf that makes his so special. Being able to come out with just a f,n,df2 input, it assures that Kaz's ewgf is 13 frames if done correctly and quickly, making it the fastest launcher in the game along with his tp. Also, a player has to get used in doing a dewgf or even a rewgf, basically a dashing ewgf or a running ewgf as it is definitely very useful in any situations, especially punishing moves that are out of an ewgf reach. The notation would be ff/fff, n,d,df+2 (holding the dash depending on how far you want to run. Also, note that the shortcut method of Kaz's ewgf is not do-able if you want to use a rewgf/dewgf and have to revert to the good old traditional ewgf input.)

Kazuya's combos are very experimental but that is what I like about him, especially his wall combo. A beginner Kazuya would use df321 for his wall staple while a more experience or flashy Kazuyas would either bring the opponent to the wall and using ff3 to b! and then b31, df2. or b! in a normal juggle, df14 for short wall carry and f1243 or 1,ewgf,1+2 or df1f2 for a long wall carry and then a running ewgf followed by a 1+2. Also, after b! 314, w!, ewgf, df321 works as well. Without walls, the staple of ewgf, ewgf, 1, 1, df12, b!, f4 into a 50/50 oki game of b24, db2, b! if they roll back or a d3+4 if they tech. I recommend RebelliJiN as a source of inspiration.

pretty cool huh.

Also, why I say Kazuya is sheer hard is because to pull out his fullest potential, you must be able to do CH df2, ewgf launch.

A move so fucking hard even professionals will sometimes miss. And if you are crazy enough, I recommend 1+2, dewgf, dewgf, dewgf for your -12 staple.

In the end, Kazuya deals insane damage but only if he is played properly.



  1. Yes, the Kazuya who did the crazy df2, ewgf combo is Marcus while the Miguel with the crazy wall pressure is Winston/Furholden/xfur24/Furball/Furby/Winny.

  2. Nice Kaz[s]Bob[/s]uya Mishima guide ;)
