Thursday, December 31, 2009

New CMV up!

Hey guys! After a long afternoon at RxDrey <+R>'s house, we've managed to finally create our second combo video. This time, it has combos from different characters and has difficult ones as well. I hope you enjoy the video.

Tekken 6 BR Combo Music Video from RxDrey on Vimeo.

Credits goes to RxDrey <+R> for allowing me to post this up. =)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First combo video ever!

After a long afternoon at RxDrey(Wenyew)'s house with buddies from <+Random>, we're done with probably the first Tekken 6 BR combo video made in Singapore.

We're still new to video-making so don't compare it to the korean/japanese combo vids.