Monday, November 16, 2009


Hey hey, Marcus here. If you have picked up Tekken just recently/ been playing for quite a while now or am about to pick up Tekken, you would most probably have read the Tekken Zaibatsu forums for more info regarding your character... Right?
If you have never heard of Tekken Zaibatsu before, I seriously recommend you to go check it out, its probably the most info intensive forum on Tekken ever, so its definitely a good read before venturing out into a higher level of Tekken play. Click here for Tekken Zaibatsu forum.

If this is your first time hearing about frames, you are in luck, because personally, I feel than 50% of the game is governed by frames, they are so important that I can't stress just how much of it you need to know, in fact, i believe frames are what separates a pro from a regular person that i believe a lot of players in our scene has been playing for quite a while now but never realizing this wondrous thing.
So buckle up and listen (or read) good.

Frames in its true essence is just simple math, math that governs the game. Every move of your each character has their set frames, frames when the move is blocked, frames when the move hits, frames when the move gets a CH, and the start up frames or the iframes (instant frames) of a move.

Have you ever wondered why you seem to never be able to damage the pros at all while you eat all of their moves? That's because of frames.
There are two parts to frames, a positive frame and the negative frame. Negative frames and positive frames affect both you and your opponent's iframes for the next move. Moves that gives you negative frames will add iframes into your next move causing it to come out slower while it adds iframes to your opponent's next move causing it come come out faster and vice versa for positive frames.
An example would be imagine you do a move that gives you +4 on block/hit/ch and you plan to do an i10frame move next, due to the +4 advantage you have, your move will be 10-4= i6frames!
While if you did a move that gives -4 on block/hit/ch and you plan to do a i10frame move next, your move will be 10+4= i14frames. So if you have experienced why your moves lose out to your opponent's one, this is why.

Now, I'm going to introduce the term punish and safe. Punish refers to using a certain move with a certain iframe right after your opponent's move and it will hit them. Usually, the fastest punishers would be a i10frame move. Now you know that some moves have -frames on hit/block/ch, but some has such a high -frame that it allows a move from the opponent to hit. An example would be you did a move which gives a -13 on block, this means that your opponent's i13 and below moves will definitely damage you if they execute it immediately. This is called punish.
Safe moves are moves that ensures you to be able to block your opponent's move as long as you hold back/block immediately after you finish the move. Safe moves are moves that give +/-0 to -9 frames on block. Any move that gives -10 and above on block are considered punishable. However, do not that although some moves gives high -frames on block, but due to their push backs, they are safe because the opponent's punish can't hit.

Now this is a really basic overview on frames and it is something that you have to read up on and gain through loads of playing and experience. But for now, I strongly recommend going to Tekken Zaibatsu and reading up on their forums as they provide really great information on all of the Tekken casts, and as well as reading up on here as the people from did a really great job in compiling and translating the frame data for the cast.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Character Discussion: Sergei Dragunov

This is xFur24/Furholden/Winston here today and i'm going to introduce you to Sergei Dragunov, a russian commando. Dragunov's gameplay does not involve a stance. However, he posseses one of the most sleek and sneaky, not to mention arguebly the fastest crouchdash in the game. He has relatively fast movement if you are able to implement the crouchdash in your forward movements. He also has a number of variations from his sidestep attacks.

In order to play Dragunov, you will need to rely on his pokes a lot. The wall-game is one of his greatest strengths in the game as he gets very deadly mixups at the wall. Although you will not be using much of his crouchdash near the walls, fff+2 is guaranteed to cover any amount of distance you desire as long as you make haste with your inputs of multiple fowards.

Dragunov has a very heavy arsenal of mid attacks that often cause knockdown or frame-locks. First off, one of his best spacing moves is d/f+4. This move will keep any opponent at bay if used correctly. On hit you are able to follow up with most of his other mids like b+4,2,1, or b+4,3 which causes wallsplats. Often, i would use b+4,2,1 as it gives me a +6 on block. But note that the last hit is a high so don't spam too much of this as the last hit can be ducked and launch-punished. His main tracking move is b+3. This can track any angle but this is a high. His main fast low would be d+2. This is extremely unseeable and should be used at all levels of gameplay. His heavy low is d/b+3 which trips for short juggle.

Dragunov has considerable output damage from his pokes. He has an even more frightening damage off his juggles if done well. Dragunov has 2 different types of launchers depending on your situation. He has qcb+2 which rushes backwards and foward with an elbow. This is often used in situations where you know that there would be an obvious opening for that to happen even when the opponent is attacking. His other launcher would be qcf+2. This covers an amazing distance forward, has high crush, and launchers for heavy juggle afterward. There is also another counterhit juggle which i shall not go too much into detail today. fff+2 is one of his best moves. It gives +0 on block but it has a large hitbox, and can give a juggle on counterhit.

Here is one of my favourite selections off a CH fff+2.
> fff+2, CH, ff, cd, x, iws4, ff+1, ff+1, 1,3,2, B!,  and ender of your choice.

Here are his top 10 moves.
d/f+4- This is one of his best spacing tools and should always be used as a spacing tool.
d/f+1, (CH hit confirmable), 4- This gives heavy damage off a CH, and a guaranteed stomp afterward.
d+2- This is one of the unseeable lows in the game. Good damage and leaves you in FC position. Tap up to cancel FC.
b+4- This can be branched into either b+4,2,1 which gives +4f on block and is an NCC or it leads into a b+4,3 which is an NC wallsplat.
d/b+3- As slow as this might seem, this leads into a fairly damaging short juggle. This move is able to transition into a grab with 1+2 pressed which grabs anyone who tries to block this move. The grab is unable to be broken.
u/f+3- This is a safe low-crush move which leaps forward for a kick. This move is very good at setting up ideal distances for a iwr2 or it may be used as a wallsplat tool. This can be jumped on the spot, jumped forward, or jumped backwards. Depends on distance required in the situation. I love this move and this is definitely one of my top moves for Dragunov.
b+3- This move is Dragunov's main tracking move and should always be used from time to time to keep sidestepping opponents in check. Do note that this is a high though. Nevertheless, still a top move for me.
d+1- This move gives you neutral frames on block and leaves opponents in FC. Good pressure tool and good for baiting mistakes.
iws4- This move is good and it comes out from a cancelled crouchdash, innately granting it massive range and you can calibrate it to be executed at any range you desire as long as you cancel it. Good distance cover tool.
iwr2- This move is one of Dragunov's highlights. And one of the game's most catchy juggles can be executed following a CH launch with the use of ff buffer, crouchdash-cancel iws4. Style, no? ;)

I recommend Dragunov to anyone who wants cool juggles yet desires very deadly pokes. Dragunov has everything to anything you would want in a character. He may be stuck in situations but he has the tool to get out of any. A whiffed opponent will always look like a chicken under the chopper. Trust me.

Character Discussion: Zafina

This is Sean/Lionheart here and today I'm gonna brief you on the character Zafina. Zafina is a new character that was introduced in Tekken 6. She has one of the most interesting and confusing playstyles in the game which revolves mostly around her three stances Scarecrow, Mantis and Tarantula. Movement-wise, she has a very fast backdash and due to her small stature, she can sidestep attacks more effectively.

To play Zafina effectively, you have to know the correct situation to use her stances. Opponent trapped at the wall? Scarecrow for wall pressure. Opponent is being aggresive? Mantis to space effectively and counterattack. Opponent turtles? Tarantula for simple 50/50 pokes.

Zafina also has a wide array of mids to play with like df1, df3, db2, df2 and her infamous ws2 which crushes highs and some mids. Her extremely unsafe lows makes her one of the most difficult characters in the game with her safest low being -14 which is launch punishable by a few of the cast. She also has few moves that give her frame advantage on block, making it harder for her to go on the offense. Her tracking is absolutely horrible with her fastest homing move taking 16 frames to begin and another taking 36 frames to begin.

Zafina has a very high damage potential when walls are around. A simple combo like df2,df1,df1,f23,SCR 3+4,B!, df14 W!, f23, SCR 4 would wipe off about 50% of the opponent's health bar. Without walls, she would have to rely more on her pokes and evasive maneuvers to catch and punish whiffs. All in all, Zafina is most suited to be a turtle/defensive type of character who uses her evasive movement and long range move to punish any whiffed attacks.

Top ten moves
Df1-Safe and fast mid poke that can be followed up 2(a jab punishable mid) or 4( a safe but duckable high)
Df3-A mid that enters scarecrow on hit or on block. Holding b will cancel the transition making it effectively safe.
Df2-Her mid launcher which is jab punishable. It high crushes and has a nice amount of range too.
Db2-A high crush mid that knocks the opponent down on Counter-Hit for a okizeme(wake-up game).
Ws2-Her launcher from crouching that crushes highs and some mids. Unsafe but Zafina can roll away into Mantis by holding ~b.
B1+2-Her longest range and fastest low. Deals poke damage and is launch punishable but still effective when used sparingly.
Ff4-Advancing high kick that has big range, safe, tracks fairly well, ok damage, and scary good at the wall.
1+2-Jab punishable mid that stuns the opponent on counter-hit for a combo.
Db42-A low,mid that launches the opponent on counter-hit for a combo. The low is -14 and the mid is jab punishable. Holding d after the low transitions her into Mantis.
Ff3+4-Advancing two hit mid move that gives chunky damage and wallsplats. Fairly safe due to pushback on block. Can transition into Mantis by holding~d.

Zafina might be lacking a lot of good moves but she is the perfect character to play if you want to have fun confusing and killing your opponents for every attack that they whiff on you.